Tuesday, July 8, 2008

T minus 4 Days and Counting

It's the last few days before we leave for 'down under', and lots of fun things have taken place. First and foremost, we received our itinerary from the World Youth Day registration team. This was a huge relief to me because (understandably) they were running behind and I wanted to have it before we left for Sydney.
We registered for some of the World Youth Day festival events that have limited seating and are happy to have the opportunity to celebrate mass with the pilgrims from the US in a gathering just for us. It is even rumored that The Holy Father will make an appearance there! The itinerary has us running from morning (5:30am) to late at night. We will have to be very careful about getting enough rest so none of us get sick. (Ok, so I don't sleep, but most everyone else does. :)
The picture above is of Australian money. It is very colorful (as you can see) and the sizes of each denomination are different. (The 20 is bigger than the 10, which is bigger than the 5, and so on.) Each time we do something else to get ready to leave, it seems surreal!
I received an email from my friend, Sister Kathleen Pittman. Many of you will remember her and Father Doug from our mission trip last year to St. Gabe's Parish in New Orleans. Her parish has sent us cards of encouragement and blessings for our trip, along with the promise to pray for us every day while we are gone. Some of the parishioners have even taken our individual names to keep us in their prayers at home! With the support we have at home, coupled with the support from St. Gabe's, we are sure to have a Happy, Holy, Trip!
I'm going to close for now. . . lots of packing left to do! May God continue to bless you every day in every way!

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