Jessie Manbusan in concert - an incredibly moving experience of "Church" through community and music (complete with a room full of people doing silly hand motions)

They seem to be big on sky-writing here in Sydney... in addition to this fish, we have seen a cross, and the words Jesus and Welcome. It takes a lot of talent to draw in the clouds

This is the WYD banner. It is a giant paint-by-number that all the gathered youth have the opportunity to help paint. We all took turns adding a bit of color to the mural. We will post the completed mural later in the week.
Hi Lori,
I was so glad you called me!!! It was wonderful to hear your voice. I miss you bunches! The pictures are amazing! Have you noticed all the things and informatin on Captain Cook there? Even the pope's boat transportation! He He. See you come from great stock!!!! I love you! Hope you can call us Friday night at Sue's BD party at Kathy & Dave's house.
Love always,
P.S. Is akype not working?
Sorry Lori-That should have been Skype!!! Mom
Hello to all from St. Mike's! I'm MaryJo's sister Victoria in Lexington...thanks for all the time and effort you are putting into this site..one of the nurses I work with and I have been follow your exploits...there are always ups and downs with traveling but it sounds like you all are able to get through the downs and enjoy the experience. Good for you! Love and best wishes! Aunt Victoria
To All,
Sorry to hear about your days not working out quite they way they were planned. I will pray that things go smoother for the rest of the trip. Glad it became a good experience anyway. The pictures are great. Keep the chin up! We're all praying for you.
The Wiets
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